Located between Anchor Point and Bear Cove is the small community of Deadman's Cove. It is on a small flat plain, at the edge of the open waters of the Strait of Belle Isle. Local residents believe that the community received its name when this part of the coast was part of the French shore. One evening the settlers heard fighting and arguments on a passing French vessel. The next morning three French sailors were found dead by the seashore. For a short period of time it was called Gengeville (a prevalent local surname), but it did not last. The name later changed to "Deadman's Cove. James Chambers, a seal fisherman, was the first known seasonal inhabitant of Deadman's Cove. The settlers harvested the cod, herring, scallop, shrimp and seals, supplemented by winter logging and the operation of the Genge farming business.
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