Choose the Great Northern Peninsula
Our communities will provide you with a wide range of communications services, including:

Telephone and Cellular Services
Communities of the Northern Peninsula are equipped with a robust and reliable fibre optic telephone network. In addition, the region provides full cellular services throughout most communities. There are areas where the service is intermittent. Further details can be obtain from the community services listing within this site or by contacting the service providers listed below.
Although most of our communities do have access to DSL and/or satellite internet services, there are some communities where residents depend on dial-up access only. However, if these communities have good cell phone service they can also access the internet through mobile connections. For specific information see community service details.
Radio and TV
Local radio broadcasts are provided by:

  • VOCM - Corner Brook - St. John's
  • CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Corner Brook

Other radio services are available via satellite and the internet.

Cable and Satellite television services are available throughout the region with services provided by Bell, EastLink or Shaw Direct.
The local newspaper for communities of the Northern Peninsula is the Northern Pen. Most communities do have home delivery, or the newspaper can be purchased in local stores.

The Northern Pen, operates from the community of St Anthony and is available for an online subscription.
Public Internet Access Sites
CAP Sites are public access computer sites provided through the Community Access Program, Newfoundland and Labrador. The Community Access Program was developed by Industry Canada to assist communities in rural and remote settings to obtain affordable public access to the Internet and the skills to use it effectively.

There are seven CAP sites located throughout the Northern Peninsula. They are generally located in libraries or community centres. Some CAP sites charge a small fee for the use of the equipment.
Service Providers
The following companies provide communications services in our region:
  • Bell Aliant: Provides Home Phone, Mobile phone, SatelliteTV and Internet Services
  • TELUS: Provides Home Phone, Mobile Phone, Satellite TV and Internet Services
  • East Link: Provides Phone, TV and Internet Services
  • Shaw Direct: Provides Satellite TV Service.
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