The Great Northern Peninsula
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How Do I Prepare For Winter Living?
Winter is a big part of the lifestyle in Newfoundland and Labrador and dressing appropriately will help to ensure you enjoy it. The temperature can dip to be very cold and the winds can challenge the strongest outdoor enthusiast. But warm winter clothing (eg. parka and snowpants), boots and accessories (warm, lined gloves or mittens, scarf, and hat), which can be purchased locally or ordered online, will enable you to do any of your favorite outdoor activities.

If you are traveling from a warmer country to Canada for the first time, Canadian winters can be surprisingly cold and snowy. You will need winter clothing designed for Canadian winters. Often the clothing label has a cold rating (eg. rated to minus 30 degrees Celsius). Winter boots also have cold ratings and soles with good grips to avoid slips and falls on the ice. Snowmobiling requires especially warm clothing and our snowmobile retailers also sell clothing and accessories.

Your automobile will also have to be prepared for winter weather. Talk to your local automotive service station about winter tires, antifreeze, block heaters and winter safety. After a snowstorm, snow has to be cleared from driveways and walkways around the house. Roads are cleared by the towns, but sometimes there is a delay due to bad weather and roads and schools are closed.

It takes a little extra work to prepare for winter, but winter recreation is lots of fun with skiing, sledding, snowmobiling and Canada's favourite sport - hockey.
Where can my spouse get help in finding a job?
If you or your spouse are looking for a job on the Northern Peninsula, we have Community Employment Readiness Centres, Service Canada Centres and Human Resources Labour & Employment offices to assist you with your job search.
Please refer to our Employment Services Page
Where can I buy a car?
There are a couple of locations right here on the Northern Peninsula to buy a vehicle. Woodward Motors is located in St. Anthony and Hawke's Bay with a large selection of new and used vehicles. Corner Brook also has many different vehicle dealerships such as:
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