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Bonne Bay Subregion
Bonne Bay Region: Trout River – Sally's Cove

The beautiful Bonne Bay Region is almost entirely within the boundaries of Gros Morne National Park, a Unesco World Heritage Site. Many of the businesses and services in the region are related to the tourism industry. The fishery is also an important industry in the region. Service centres for the region are: Rocky Hr. and Norris Point, on one side of the Bonne Bay hills, and Woody Point and Trout River on the other. Bonne Bay Health Centre is located in Norris Point. Rocky Harbour is the largest community with the most retail services.

A detailed description of each community and community services is available by clicking on the name of the community on the list at right.
Key Services
- Bonne Bay Academy (K-12) (Woody Point)
- Gros Morne Academy (K-12) (Rocky Harbour)
- Jakeman All-Grade School (Trout River)
Health Services:
- Bonne Bay Health Centre (Norris Point)
- Cottage Hospital Physiotherapy & Fitness (Norris Point)
- Norris Point Dental Clinic (Norris Point)
- Private Medical Clinic (Norris Point)
- Woody Point Medical Clinic (Woody Point)
- BMO - Bank of Montreal (Rocky Harbour)
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