Settle on the Great Northern Peninsula
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Information for New Canadians
The Association for New Canadians offers many useful resources on their website including the following documents:

The Association also provides career and employment programs for newcomers:
  • AXIS (Acquiring eXperience; Integrating Skills) provides career-focused services and employment programs for educated professionals, trades persons and entrepreneurs. Through interactive engagement with employers and collaborative partnerships with all levels of government, industry and the community, AXIS aims to facilitate successful labour market integration for newcomers.
The Newfoundland and Labrador Job Bank and Service Canada's Job bank provide employment listings that are searchable by region and type of job.

If you or your spouse are looking for a job on the Northern Peninsula, we have Community Employment Readiness Centres, Service Canada Centres and Human Resources Labour & Employment offices to assist you with your job search.

Service Canada Centres provide a variety of job search and other services and are located in the following communities:

The friendly staff can help you and your family with career planning and assist you with many of your other employment needs such as Applying for a Passport, Foreign Credentials Referral, and Social Insurance application.

Community Employment Readiness Centres offer many useful services such as helping build resumes, completing forms, provide post-secondary information and provide a list of local job listings on their bulletin board. The Staff at CERC are very dedicated and strive to best prepare their clients for the future.

Community Employment Readiness Centres in our Region:
  • St. Anthony, 709-454-3027
  • Flower's Cove , 709-456-3325
  • Roddickton, 709-457-2525
  • Port Saunders, 709-861-3277
  • Rocky Harbour , 709-458-2380
Apartments and houses are available for rent and and houses are available for sale, but housing availability changes regularly. Most accommodations are single family dwellings. Housing costs on the Northern Peninsula are considerably lower than in urban areas. Tourism establishments will often rent out their premises for longer term stays as well.

For smaller communities, the community contact person for each community will be able to provide you with current information about housing availability.

Larger communities will have real estate businesses who can assist you to find a new home:
This page: 3,453 visits since September 30, 2011
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