Choose the Great Northern Peninsula
C - Corner Brook
D - Deer Lake
R - Rocky Harbour
P - Port aux Choix
S - St Anthony
St. Anthony has many of the shopping services that you require such as grocery stores, clothing, automotive sales, furniture store, hardware, etc., Businesses and families can find everything they need for everyday life. Internet access is available in most communities and additional goods are easily available by mail order.

However, the main service centre for the people on the Northern Peninsula is the City of Corner Brook. Services includes Accommodations, Auto/Recreation Vehicles, Contractors, Entertainment, Health, Industrial, Manufacturer, Media, Personal Services, Professional Services, Real Estate/Property Mgmt, Restaurants, Shopping, Transportation, Utilities, Wholesale, etc. Corner Brook is also home to many provincial and federal government offices.

Most communities have convenience stores where you can buy a variety of everyday items such as basic grocery items. Postal service is also available in most every community whether it is a Canada Post Office or personal mail boxes with daily mail services.
Shopping by Region
Automotive Service
Building Supplies & Hardware
Clothing: General
Construction Services and Contractors
Crafts and Gifts
Finance and Insurance
Furniture Upholstery
General Retail
Hairdresser/Barber/Tanning Salon
Liquor and Wine
Office Supplies
Pharmacy/Drug Store
ATVs & Motorcycles
Automotive Service
Building Supplies & Hardware
Clothing: General
Crafts and Gifts
Finance and Insurance
General Retail
Hairdresser/Barber/Tanning Salon
Liquor and Wine
Pharmacy/Drug Store
Real Estate
Sears Canada Outlet
ATVs & Motorcycles
Automotive Cleaning
Automotive Sales
Automotive Service
Bakery / Coffee Shop
Building Supplies & Hardware
Clothing: General
Construction Services and Contractors
Crafts and Gifts
Finance and Insurance
Hairdresser/Barber/Tanning Salon
Janitorial Services
Real Estate
Shopping Centre
ATVs & Motorcycles
Automotive Service
Bakery / Coffee Shop
Building Supplies & Hardware
Construction Services and Contractors
Crafts and Gifts
Finance and Insurance
General Retail
Hairdresser/Barber/Tanning Salon
Liquor and Wine
Pharmacy/Drug Store
Sears Canada Outlet
ATVs & Motorcycles
Automotive Service
Bakery / Coffee Shop
Building Supplies & Hardware
Computer Sales and Service
Construction Services and Contractors
Crafts and Gifts
General Retail
Hairdresser/Barber/Tanning Salon
Legal Services
Liquor and Wine
Sears Canada Outlet
Automotive Sales
Automotive Service
Bakery / Coffee Shop
Building Supplies & Hardware
Clothing: General
Construction Services and Contractors
Crafts and Gifts
Equipment Rental
Finance and Insurance
Funeral Home Services
General Retail
Hairdresser/Barber/Tanning Salon
Home Furniture & Upholstery
Legal Services
Liquor and Wine
Pharmacy/Drug Store
Real Estate
Sears Canada Outlet
ATVs & Motorcycles
Taxi & Transportation Services
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